The Reflector
You can never say that no one cares for your soul because someone cared enough to share the Reflector with you. A major purpose of the paper is to say that we care whether you go to Heaven or to Hell when you die. We care that you know about God's provision for your forgiveness and for a new life for you--His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. " (2 Corinthians 5:21)
The Reflector is in its fifty-sixth year of publication. In listing specific objectives of the paper beyond the overall spiritual impact, we provide information and inspiration. We strive to share the Word of God and biblical truths in a readable, practical way. We appreciate your letting us come into your homes and lives. Pray for us. Then write to us as the Holy Spirit leads. Be sure to share The Reflector with every member of your family. Remember to tell others about the availability of the prayer seminar ministry.
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