Dear Dr. Henry,

I was one of the many people that attended your prayer seminar in my church.
        The Lord reached down and convicted me in a mighty way for my nearly complete lack of a prayer life and also practically no Bible reading going back more years that I care to relate. I am 65 years old and have been a believer since my teens.  However, in the past decade or more I have spiritual starved myself by being too busy to read the Word. It is so easy to excuse yourself by taking care of current "emergencies" and not feed on the Word. Hardly a thing you spoke that day was brand new to me. I'm sure that I'd heard it piece by piece over the last 50 years.  But, getting the whole story over seven consecutive hours makes all the difference in the world. I have made a place to read and pray each morning at about 6:30 and read and pray for about 45 minutes. I read about 3 chapters in both the Old and New Testament and will complete the whole Bible in the next year I'm sure.

There are some things in my life that were not pleasing to God. I have asked God to clean up an occasional "damn" or "hell" from my speech and He has helped me to do that. I had entertained impure thoughts many times a day and God has completely taken that away. PRAISE GOD! For the first time in a long while I can say, "IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL."  What a super feeling to know for sure for sure that all is right between me and my Savior.

I am sorry that I waited two weeks to tell you how much the seminar has done for me.   I didn't want to be like the lepers that didn't bother to thank the one who helped cure my carnal attitude.  I will be praying for your ministry.

Yours because of Calvary,
Cal Garley (MN)

Many in our church said: "That was what I needed;" "My life will be different;"

"This will be a turning point;"

"Personally, I find a flame in my heart rekindled that I am ashamed to  admit had been burning low." E.S., NYC

        In speaking of a Sunday seminar one pastor commented:  "Our people greatly appreciated the seminar. It was truly a good experience just being together 'in the Word' for that length of time. I can see where the day-long seminar is more profitable to the church  than a week-long series of meetings. We plan to do this again."  D.C., NJ

Dear Dr. Henry:

It has been more than two weeks now since you have been at my church for the prayer seminar . What a great two weeks it has been!

I am communicating with God like I never have before. Using your  A-C-T-S as a guideline, I have been able to establish a daily morning prayer and Bible reading time. I begin with Bible reading and then finish in prayer. I have discovered several interesting things:

The new found time for prayer has increased my desire to read the Scriptures. The nourishment that I am pulling from the Bible reading I am incorporating in my prayer time, especially in my adoration of theFather, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Lord is beginning to burden me for the unsaved.

L. M.,  Staten Island, NY



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