Two thousand  Spanish prayer seminar workbooks used in Peru

      Nearly 1,900 registered for the August 24—September 9 prayer seminars in Peru. All two thousand Spanish prayer seminar workbooks were used. For the first week, the seminars were in northern Peru. Several seminars were in Piuri, the largest city in the area. From there we traveled to Talara, Rio Saco Prison, La Union, Sullana and Paite, Then, by bus, we began the trek southward along the Pacific Ocean with seminars in Trujillo (Santa Dominguto and Porvenir), Chimbote, Paramonga-Baccaro, and Chincha. We traveled 1,450 miles on the ground and 8,090 by air.

SUMMARY: “Give account of your stewardship"

Prayer Seminars 16

        Professions of faith 200+

     Miles traveled 9,540

The coordination was excellent, thanks to Ted Cooper (South Carolina) and Pastor Vera (Piura). Travel was on time and the people were in place ready to begin at the scheduled hour. This was remarkable for so many seminars and made it possible to teach many pastors from a large number of churches.

Once again, the value of the prayer seminar workbook was documented. Two years ago, the emphasis on Peruvian seminars was on pastors. From time to time, reports were received that pastors were teaching their people Christian life principles they had learned. During our time in Paramonga, one of the leading pastors from Lima attended and shared that he had periodically traveled into the mountains to teach folks in the churches there what they had learned.  He was eager to have a supply of Spanish prayer seminar workbooks to continue his teaching ministry. Many pastors expressed an interest in having a supply of workbooks to teach in their churches and areas. The head of one of the denominations with which we worked plans to prepare a teaching edition and then bring  pastors and teachers together to prepare them to teach.

The Holy Spirit had His hand on each seminar bringing the Word of God alive via the voice of two interpreters who did a superb job—Israel in the Piura area and David for the rest of the country. There was group participation as everyone read together scriptures and other material from the workbook. There was individual involvement as folks stood to read. The teaching-learning techniques that have been so effective both in the United States and in other nations once again proved invaluable.

The international prayer seminar ministry is a faith ministry totally. Our practice has been simple—“trust God and tell the people.” Over the years, I have discovered that when one hundred become prayer and financial partners with us, the needs are met. In this case, seventy-four contributors provided the funds needed to meet the budget providing workbooks, transportation, and food/lodging.






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