
  • Population: 28,047,938
  • Capital: Caracas (5M)
  • Literacy rate: Male 93.8% Female 93.1%
  • Life expectancy: Male 71.49 Female 77.1
  • GDP per capita: $12,400
  • Unemployed: 9.4%

       The response to the prayer seminar has been tremendous in Latin American nations (Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela). Many have said that they had systematic teaching in the various areas of the Christian life, a need met by the prayer seminar ministry. Both the English & Spanish editions of the prayer seminar workbook have proven to be a useful tool for further equipping believers/pastors/churches to become Lighthouses of Prayer for their local areas and the nation.

         Although I have never attempted to think in terms of what nation or are has borne the most visible fruit, it is obvious by observing the reception that that Latinos have received the Word in an enthusiastic and receptive manner—with gladness. Many saints have been personally enriched and we have hundreds upon hundreds of written testimonies to that effect. Not only have thousands been taught, but many souls have been saved—possibly as many as 10,000.

       Return to Venezuela. There has been tremendous evangelical have grown in the last two decades and it continues. Evangelicals have grown from one million in 1990 to around 3.2 million in 2010. There are an average of two evangelical churches planted every day. The Charismatics/Pentecostals now total 4,731,954 and are growing rapidly.

        The first ministry in Venezuela was in July 1992 in the heart of an industrial area along the mighty Orinoca River in San Felix, adjacent to Puerto Ordoz. Some pastors traveled over four hours to attend. Twenty-one testimonies were shared in the Doorkeeper Report (VOL IX, No. 8, August 1992), and a representative one follows: “The seminar taught me that the Holy Spirit does not come down each time I call upon Him, but He lives inside each Christian. The Holy Spirit moves and convicts. Now the next move is mine. TO THE WORK!” Prayer seminars have been taught throughout the nation (from Caracas, moving westward, eastward, and southward): 2007 (April 1-12); 2008 (March 15-30); 2010 (February 26-March 14; July 31-August 9); 2011 (April 3-25); 2012 (February 24-March 12).  To summarize, thousands have attended from hundreds of churches, including many pastors. Only eternity will reveal the widespread influence of the prayer seminars and the evangelism clinics.

        For the past sixteen months, leaders in Venezuela have been making plans for our return to Caracas and to Amazonas State, home of seventeen indigeneous tribes. The latter is significant because of the prohibitive restrictions imposed on Christian outreach by the government, increased during the Chavez tenure. The dates are October 19-November 4. The budget is $5,900 (includes airfare, internal transportation, lodging, food, and 1,000 Spanish workbooks). Adam Nathanson, missionary-pastor in Caracas, will travel with me as my interpreter as he has done for most of the Spanish seminars in Latin America.

        We need both prayer and financial support.  Following the “One-hundred-Givers” principle, we invited you to become “one of the one hundred” as the Lord leads. Venezuela bookmarks are available as reminders to pray for the Lord to put His hand on this effort and the result will be His glory. As we think about the Latin America impact of the prayer seminar, let’s pray “Lord, do it again!” and the Gospel that is presented.

       Spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is intense in Venezuela. Satanists actively seek to destroy the Church. Caracas is the site of Latin America’s largest mosque. Jehovah’s Witnessed and Mormons claim huge numbers and are growing rapidly. Spiritism is dangerously strong. Up to 85% of the population are involved to a lesser of greater extend in some form of spiritist practices (witchcraft). There are thousands of occult and spiritist shops where witch doctors and their ilk are frequented by rich and poor alike. A large number identify with the Roman Catholic church, but most are nominal—only 20% attend mass. A secular mindset is promoted and is prevalent in public life. Many new Christians come from tragic or dysfunctional backgrounds and need much help and spiritual guidance such what is presented during a prayer seminar. Since each participant receives a personal copy of the Spanish Prayer Seminar Workbook, he/she can continue studying.

        Thanks for providing the prayer and financial resources to touch other nations. Your labor is not in vain.



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