Four Decades of Academic Leadership

 Liberty University

Lynchburg, Virginia


        On Thursday, April 28, Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. hosted an appreciation luncheon to honor Dr. Boyd Rist for his service to Liberty University as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.  For the first time ever, the individuals who have provided the academic leadership for the past forty years were together.   The first Vice President for Academic Affairs was Dr. J. Gordon Henry (fourth from left). The next chief academic officer was Dr. Russell Fitzgerald (second from left).  Dr. Earl Mills (far left) played a significant role as the provost. Dr. Boyd Rist (third from left) followed Dr. Mills.  Dr. Ron Godwin (second from right) is the current Acting Provost and, in that position, has oversight of the academic program. Dr. Jerry Falwell, Jr. (far right) is the Chancellor of the University.

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