Intercession: Prayer as Work
Do you have the world on your heart, yet? Are you praying for those who are unreached with the Gospel?
Are you praying for laborers? Are you praying for missionaries?
Prayer is the work which must come before all other work in the Lord's service. The sovereign God has ordained prayer as the tool to get His work done. God works only in concert with the praying of His people. Few Christians are prayed for regularly by anyone after they become Christians. You can pretty well say to a new convert, "I'm glad you came to Christ. I hope everything goes well for you. But you are on your own now."
In Isaiah's day, God looked down from Heaven and saw all the people living in Israel and Judah—and "wondered that there were no intercessors" (Isaiah 59:16).
Consider the people who live in the fifth house from your church building. Ask yourself if they have ever heard the name of Jesus in a saving sense one time. Are they going to Heaven when they die? Who is praying for them? The answer usually is "Nobody!" If you are not praying for your children, nobody else is.
The need of the hour is intercessors!
Do you have the world on your heart, yet? Are you praying for those who are unreached with the Gospel?
Are you praying for laborers? Are you praying for missionaries? Most believers think that prayer is mostly prefix and suffix—what you do before you begin and finish work for the Lord. It is the work which must undergird all other work—such as evangelism, teaching, or preaching.
Work implies spending energy. It is important to know that prayer itself requires energy and time. In order to become intercessors, it is important for a believer to understand biblical teachings which govern this aspect of praying. It is my hope that the twelve studies which follow will not only provide basic knowledge, but will motivate you to become an intercessor by providing practical suggestions.
In the early nineties, the Lord began to impress upon me the importance of reducing key truths and insights he was teaching me to writing to help His children in their daily walk with Him. As I thought through obeying His call to write, my conclusion was to use a twelve-study format that would lend itself to systematic study for either an individual or a small group. Generally, I have been able to follow this approach.
The print and tape ministry provides an opportunity for individuals to study on their own or in small groups either as review or to further their knowledge and understanding of the essentials of the Christian faith: Bible study, prayer, witnessing, stewardship, and walking in the Spirit as a lifestyle.
It has been our policy not to sell materials. Rather, JGHM purchases the material out of the general fund using contributions made to the prayer seminar ministry. Most people make contributions; some use materials who either do not or cannot make a contribution. Our goal is to provide the help. The suggested contribution includes shipping.