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Adoration: Prayer as Worship

Worship is our response to who God is— His attributes, His character, His essence. In fact, prayer reveals God. Prayer is my response to who God is —whether it is adoration, confession, thanksgiving, petition, or intercession.
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          Adoration is simply looking at God and loving Him for who He is. Although I have spent considerable time learning to incorporate praise and worship in my daily prayer life, new insights continue to come. I want to learn more. God's Word abounds with
commands, examples, and encouragements to praise the Lord.

          Matthew Henry pointed out that we can never add to God's perfections; therefore, our praises do not make God any greater than He already is. Praise does not change God, it changes us—and causes us to want to walk with Him and trust Him.

          In my own experience, I have found that praise is not something that comes natural. It is awfully easy to incorporate praise into praying only to discover that it is not genuine, but is only a routine practice.

          Do you know what I mean?

          In the twelve studies on Adoration: Prayer as Worship, I have attempted to share both a Biblical base for praise and practical ideas to follow.

          It is significant that every glimpse we are given into Heaven, praise is the dominant activity. One day each of God's children will join the multitudes of saints gathered around God's throne to worship Him in His presence. It is wise to get into practice down here so we will feel at home in Heaven's activity of praise. One key verse related to praise and the consequence of worship provides remarkable insight: "But the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits" (Daniel 11:32). We are to praise God for who He is and there is only one source of information to guide our knowledge and understanding—the Bible. Worship is our response to who God is—His attributes, His character, His essence. In fact, prayer reveals God. Prayer is my response to who God is—whether it is adoration, confession, thanksgiving, petition, or intercession.

          My prayer is that the studies on praise will bless you as you study and that you will be a better worshiper as you put into practice what you learn.



In the early nineties, the Lord began to impress upon me the importance of reducing key truths and insights he was teaching me to writing to help His children in their daily walk with Him. As I thought through obeying His call to write, my conclusion was to use a twelve-study format that would lend itself to systematic study for either an individual or a small group. Generally, I have been able to follow this approach.

The print and tape ministry provides an opportunity for individuals to study on their own or in small groups either as review or to further their knowledge and understanding of the essentials of the Christian faith: Bible study, prayer, witnessing, stewardship, and walking in the Spirit as a lifestyle.

It has been our policy not to sell materials. Rather, JGHM purchases the material out of the general fund using contributions made to the prayer seminar ministry. Most people make contributions; some use materials who either do not or cannot make a contribution. Our goal is to provide the help. The suggested contribution includes shipping.


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