
Seminar Summary

It is important that each Christian understands the benefits of Christ-honoring prayer life as part of his total Christian experience. Few Do.

The basic design of The Prayer Seminar is to provide very practical suggestions that answer "how to" and "how not to" questions-the same pattern Jesus Himself followed in the Sermon on the Mount.

The prayer seminar workbook titles of the nine sessions are . . .

I.          What is Prayer?
       Bible Examples of Prayer
III.      Praying in the Name of Jesus
IV.       The Holy Spirit and Prayer
V.         Sin of Prayerlessness
VI.       Getting Ready to Pray
VII.     A- C - T - S: Personal Praying
VIII.   Hindrances in Prayer
IX.       The Prayer Chapel

The Prayer Seminar is a six-hour event that can be used with an entire congregation or with smaller groups such as deacons, youth, or leadership. It lends itself well to retreat settings. There are several patterns that can be followed in scheduling to provide for the six hours of teaching time needed.

The most popular is to use the entire day on Sunday for the seminar,thereby making the instruction available to all the church family.

The theme we suggest is "A Day in Thy Courts" Psalm 84:10. 

       The most used Sunday schedule, and the one we recommend, is as follows:

       Session 1- Sunday school hour with adults and young people

       Session 2- Morning worship hour

       Lunch at church.

       Session 3- Afternoon session. 1:00- 5 p.m.

A variation of the afternoon session is to teach from 3:00-5:30 p.m. followed by a light supper (taking no more than thirty minutes) closing with a session from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

With smaller groups, Saturday seminars are usually from 9:30 a.m.until 4:30 p.m. Another schedule possibility is Friday night-Saturday.  Schedules, however, can be very flexible.

Seminar Costs

The prayer seminar is a faith ministry that trusts God to provide the financial needs through local churches and individuals.

Therefore, we do not charge a set fee. Basically, participants are encouraged to contribute a one-time gift through the church love offering for the prayer seminar ministry as the Lord leads.

We depend upon this financial support to maintain the prayer seminar ministry, which includes the work in the United States and other nations.  JGHM has a branch in South Korea and in Southern Africa.

There are two specific expenses that we need help to cover:

Workbooks - Each participant receives a packet that includes a 79-page Prayer Seminar Workbook, a basic teaching tool.It is imperative for each person to have a personal copy for note taking to maximize the benefits. We encourage each person to make a contribution through his church for the workbook. A suggested contribution is $5.00 that also helps defray the cost for those present who cannot give anything. However, any contribution toward workbook cost is appreciated. Or, you can download the whole workbook in PDF for free using the links below.

Travel - Beyond the free-will offering listed above, help with travel is necessary. Sometimes a church can set aside a budgeted amount for travel.
For automobile expense, we suggest thirty one cents per mile. When air travel is necessary, we will use an ultra super saver ticket or the lowest cost.

CAUTION: If the Lord has laid on your hearts to host a seminar do not hesitate to make contact with me about the travel expense. The only thing I ask is that you do not take travel expenses out of the love offering which is intended to maintain the prayer seminar ministry