
Laborers Together with God--1 Corinthians 3:9
September 12-28, 2012

      Prayer is the work that must come before “greater works” can be done for the Lord Jesus Christ. Slip into the Upper Room and listen to Jesus explain this truth to His disciples (John 14:12-14). For the past twenty-six years, God has opened doors throughout the world for prayer seminars to equip believers to establish Lighthouses of Prayer for their families, their communities, their nations,and the world. God has stirred up His children to provide the needed prayer and financial support.  Since 1998, we have centered on nine nations in southern Africa.  The Southern Africa Story is thrilling. We are praying that 100 will become partners with us in the 2012 effort (the 14th year for my personal involvement). Will you be one of them? We need you.

      This is the seventy-third time that I have sat down to draft an “initial letter” to our Doorkeepers regarding prayer seminars in other nations. Since there has been a follow-up letter providing a progress report on how the funds were coming in, you could say this is the 145th letter. That’s a lot of letters and a lot of years. Each time I am reminded of the awesome responsibility that God has placed upon JGHM to teach God’s children the purpose and power of prayer and to mobilize prayer warriors to man lighthouses of prayer. By faith, we have trusted God to stir His children to become partners in each venture firmly believing that where God guides, He provides. He has faithfully answered our prayers and I am persuaded that He will continue to do so.
     This is the fourteenth “initial letter” to focus on South Africa. We have witnessed the change from a white dominated apartheid system where the vast majority of the people were disenfranchised and looked down upon to a democratic system where everyone can participate. From the beginning of our ministry there in 1996, we have primarily worked in Black townships with indigenous churches where there has never been basic teaching related to the Christian life—the Word of God, Spirit-filled living, prayer, witnessing, and stewardship.
      The first year (1996), God brought a remarkable couple, Leslie and Tabitha Motsalane, into our lives. The second year (1997), Leslie was the one who arranged the venue. When Sue and I returned for the third year (1998), Leslie was again in charge. Seminars were scheduled to begin in Lesotho, the mountain kingdom. Then we were to go to Botswana and return to South Africa for a series of seminars. When we arrived, we found that a virtual civil war was going on in Lesotho following a questionable election. People were being murdered in the street in front of the palace. Chaos reigned. We rearranged the schedule to begin in Botswana and then conduct seminars in South Africa and pray for the Lord’s direction concerning Lesotho. Things settled down and we decided to go.
     During the drive from Welkom, Leslie’s home in the Free State, Sue was sitting in the front seat of the van talking to Leslie. I was sitting in the back seat, studying the Bible. Leslie looked around and said that God has spoken to him. The content of the prayer seminar was what the believers in Southern Africa needed and he was determined to see that this teaching continued until Jesus returned! That is the genesis of J. Gordon Henry Ministries—Southern Africa Branch.
     Year by year, we returned until it was concluded in 2008 that Leslie was ready to carry on the seminars freeing us to work in other countries. In 2011, it was determined that I needed to return and the flame was rekindled. Leslie has built a large church, developed leadership, and is talking of retiring and devotion the rest of his life to the prayer seminar ministry. To encourage and support him, I will return for the fourteenth year September 12—28 with seminars in ten cities.
     So, here we go again! We need 100 partners to provide financial support. The budget is $9,000 (which includes international travel, domestic travel, 2,000 prayer seminar workbooks, food/lodging for the team, and support for Leslie). Again ,$9,000  is a MOUNTAIN to climb for a small ministry. I am glad to be your missionary-teacher. Knowing that many of you sacrifice to support the prayer seminars, I promise to give my best. The biggest need is PRAYER SUPPORT. Whether you can give money or not, you can pray knowing God will hear and answer.